Saturday, August 31, 2013

3-D Printers Move Forward Building Their Own Components

As the evolution of the 3-D printers moves forward the Internet community is playing its part. Sharing product programs seems to be still working. G-Max has developed a long awaited affordable 3-D printer to help this continue at a larger scale. This unique machine is printing its own parts. Need to modify a car part or a make your own shoe design, this printer is big enough to do it. When I first reported of the new 3-D phenomenon and its possibilities the products were small. Its exciting to see its transformation unfold. This machine does not have the multi product components yet to print the metal solder material for printed circuits to be embedded in the plastic for electrical features or product strength components needs. I think that is the next step in its evolution. We are stepping closer to robots creating themselves, but we are not there yet!. Check out its website: GMAX printer

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