Thursday, January 26, 2012

Norway Tests Ultra Efficient Wind Turbines "O" Emissions

In Europe where hydrogen is rapidly moving to replace the black crude, Norway has made it into the Forbes magazine top ten most innovative energy ideas with wind turbine efficiency. Wind turbines are finding themselves everywhere there there is wind. How many of us have drove by the wind farms to see some not turning, either because they are not receiving wind or the brake is on to prevent destruction under extreme conditions. The Norwegian generators use the wind to generate electricity by wind power and hydrogen. They actually make hydrogen at the same time they generate electricity. When the turbine stops the hydrogen kicks in to run the generator. There is always a continuous production of energy. The island of Utsira off the cost of Norway was chose to test this technology because of its windy conditions, so far it is working very well. The company Statoil Hydro one of the largest producers of oil and aluminum, is investing heavily in off shore wind farms miles off the coast of Norway and into this project.
Read about the island adventure to help save the world: Hydrogen Island
Forbes top 10 energy ideas: Top ten!
Investing in Green, Oil and Aluminum: New York stock Exchange Ticker Code: STO


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